AIS Financial Assistance

Thanks to generous individual and corporate donors, our "Freeing Voices, Changing Lives Scholarship Fund" provides varying amounts of financial assistance for AIS’ services. Our application requires financial information and a personal statement. Assistance is awarded on a case by case basis; Many who believe that they would not qualify are pleasantly surprised to receive financial assistance.

How to Apply: 
We invite you to apply for financial assistance. Please fill out this short form, and we will send you an email with steps to complete the financial assistance application.

State Assistance Programs

Did you know there are state programs that help people with disabilities get the assistance they need to find employment? If you are a person who stutters, programs like these could help fund your therapy. States with Vocational Rehabilitation programs provide funding for therapy at AIS – and we are an active vendor in many states.
 If you want to learn more about how this works or want us to help guide you through the process, just reach out.

New York: 
In New York, this program is called ACCES-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services – Vocational Rehabilitation).

If you are seeking services at our Atlanta, GA office, the Georgia program is called GVRA (Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency).

Visit the the website for California's Department of Rehabilitation

Private Insurance

Based on your individual policy, your health coverage may reimburse costs for speech therapy services. Reach out to your insurance company for more information.