Go With the Flow: Improv for People who Stutter
February 24, 2025
Register for This Event

A partnership between Dad's Garage Theatre Company, Improving Through Improv, and the American Institute for Stuttering, this evening workshop is designed specifically for people who stutter.  It will be held at Dad's Garage, located at 569 Ezzard St SE, Atlanta, GA 30312.

Participants will:  

  • join a safe and inclusive space for an evening of experiential learning, laughter, and self-reflection
  • explore the basics of improv, including the power of "yes, and"
  • join a variety of group activities in the areas of improv, small talk, public speaking, active listening and storytelling
  • discuss the benefits of spontaneity for people who stutter
  • learn to live in the moment and focus on the conversation, instead of focusing on the fluency of your speech  


This event is open to anyone who stutters. There is a registration fee of $50, and as always at AIS, we are happy to provide financial assistance in order to make this event accessible to everyone. Reach out to Margaret at for financial assistance.

Not sure if your experience with speech qualifies? Reach out to Margaret at, and she'll help you sort it out.

Meet your workshop leaders:  

Margaret Miller, MA, CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist at the Atlanta office of the American Institute for Stuttering, where she treats people who stutter of all ages. Margaret runs regular groups and workshops for adults and teens, and regularly attends conferences and meetings in the stuttering community.

Amanda Lee Williams is the Director of Youth Programming at Dad's Garage Theatre company, the Program Director of Improving Through Improv, and a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Georgia. She has been performing and teaching theatre and improv since 2002. From 2005-2008 she was the Director of Education at Youth Theatre Northwest in Seattle, WA. She has been performing and teaching with Dad's Garage since 2016.