AIS Virtual Group: College Edition
October 21, 2021
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We've got a new virtual group opportunity coming up! Happening this Thursday, October 21, at 7 p.m. ET.

And this one has a special theme: It's all about college. Did you move into a campus dorm this fall? (Or move back to campus after a year of online classes?) Have you been exhausting yourself with weeks of introductions and first impressions? Are you staring down an assignment to do a presentation or lead a group discussion?

For nearly everyone, the transition to college is an overwhelming one. But it presents especially unique challenges for someone who stutters. In fact, it might be the most socially intense, verbally demanding period of a young person’s life, with  speaking challenges popping up daily and endless opportunities to reinvent yourself.

This Thursday, we’ll gather AIS clients who are navigating this space right now. If you’re in college presently—or a high school senior, already worried about next fall—please come and share what’s been working for you, what hasn’t, and any specific questions about how to navigate this unique phase in life.