If you have a student in your classroom who stutters, there’s a lot you can do to make your classroom a safe and welcoming environment for their participation.
There are many myths surrounding stuttering. Stuttering is a complex disorder that defies simplistic definitions and explanations. Many different factors contribute to its development. There is much that we do not yet know about stuttering. Here are some facts that we DO know:
There are some general guidelines to help children who stutter to communicate effectively:
Speech-Language Pathologists are often asked, “Why is this child more fluent on some days and struggling more on others?” The short answer is that stuttering is, by nature, both cyclical and variable. These “good days” and “bad days” add to the mystery surrounding stuttering, but they are a fact of life for children who stutter. There are many interpersonal and environmental factors that may disrupt fluency, and it is not particularly helpful (or possible) to try to figure out what makes a child stutter more on one day and less on another. Accepting and learning to tolerate variability is an important component of the therapy process—for children as well as for those in their environment.
When children who stutter increase tension or “push” to get words out, they may begin to push harder and harder, building tension in their facial muscles or other muscles of the body. These movements are not done on purpose; they develop naturally as the child tries anything to try to push words out. Sometimes it seems that pushing helps a child talk more fluently, but most of the time, the excess tension actually contributes to the overall communication problem. As children learn to tolerate moments of stuttering, and as they find themselves in increasingly accepting environments, they usually struggle less with their speech and stutter less. A speech therapist who specializes in stuttering can help the child explore these complex behaviors without stigmatizing them.
Some children use “tricks” in an attempt to avoid the moment of stuttering. Examples include not saying certain sounds or words, not talking to certain people, changing words when they think they are about to stutter, pretending to be confused when called upon to read or answer questions, saying, “I don’t know,” even when they do, leaving the class to go to the bathroom before it is their turn to talk, not volunteering to read or answer questions, allowing others to answer for them in group activities, and more. Children do these things because they do not want others to observe them struggling. Unfortunately, avoidances such as these actually contribute to the development of more negative ideas and emotions about stuttering, ultimately increasing the severity of the problem.
By knowing about these possibilities, you can be aware if such behaviors are present and support children by creating a safe environment where it is acceptable for them to stutter. They should be encouraged (but not forced) to say what they want to say, even if it takes a bit of extra time to do so.
You not only set the learning atmosphere in your classroom; you also set the communication atmosphere. You can help children who stutter by minimizing interruptions, modeling thinking and planning time, allowing increased response time, and focusing on what children are saying, not how they say it. You can also consider the following specifics:
Stuttering Foundation of America: www.stutteringhelp.org/teachers
When Stuttering Meets Bullying: https://www.stutteringtreatment.org/blog/when-stuttering-meets-bullying
Classroom Accommodations for People Who Stutter: https://www.stutteringtreatment.org/blog/classroom-accommodations
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