People who stutter (PWS) often lament that listeners’ ignorance about stuttering makes communication more challenging. We assert that PWS can change inaccurate public perceptions through self-disclosure and educating listeners. To test this idea, we have launched a qualitative research study and we encourage PWS to be actively involved.
This study examines two questions:
Participants will follow the link below to complete the 12-question multiple choice survey. All identifying information will be kept anonymous.
We are asking that both PWS and those who don’t stutter share the link to as many people as possible.This is a great opportunity for self-disclosure! You might say something like, “I am a person who stutters and am helping out with a research study looking at what people know about stuttering. Would you mind filling out a short, completely anonymous on-line survey?” If you encourage your friends who don’t stutter to share it with their friends, we will surely get a wide range of responses for analysis.The link to the survey is: bit.ly/Stutter_Survey (Please note that this address IS case-sensitive)We are collecting responses through May. Stay tuned for the results!