Inspirational speaker and person who stutters, Moe Mernick, visited during the June 21st Tuesday night support group. Moe, who runs business development for Hometalk a high-growth internet startup based in NYC, has been delivering motivational seminars across the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, and Australia. He recently published his first book, a personal memoir called The Gift of Stuttering. See his promo video of the book here.Moe described his teenage years, when he, troubled with a debilitating stutter questioned his self-worth and religious convictions. After years of fluency-based therapy, he came to work on self-acceptance, stutter and all. He came to experience great gratitude, not only for what was good in his life, but also for the lessons learned as a person who stutters. He shared that while our goals need not focus on “being happy,” we can nevertheless find true happiness through finding our purpose and helping others.
Moe’s inspirational message of acceptance and appreciation is certainly a lesson for us all.