Our Young Leadership Board hosted another event in our Speaker Series on October 27th. The event was organized by the AIS Young Leadership Board. Our speaker was AIS Board Member Aman Kumar.Aman graduated from Harvard with an MBA in 2014. He has worked for Apple and Google and is now a member of the office of the CEO at SAP. Drawing from his own experience, Aman offered guidance and perspective in navigating professional environments as a person who stutters. He was joined via video-conference by Jonathan Lee (MBA, Duke 2015), also from the office of the CEO at SAP, who offered advice on success for millennials in the workplace and on the job search.
Aman encourages people who stutter to try and disarm people and get them on your side. He emphasizes that these skills are non-verbal in nature.
Aman discusses several common qualities held by extraordinary leaders.
Aman's coworker Jonathan, who joined via video-conference, shared what it was like when Aman first introduced himself and advertised that he stutters.
The American Institute for Stuttering (AIS) provides specialized, universally-affordable stuttering therapy and support for children and adults who stutter.To learn more about therapy at AIS, visit stutteringtreatment.org. Follow AIS on Facebook at facebook.com/StutteringTreatment and on Twitter @StutteringTx, @StutterTx_Sara, and @AIS_Carl. We're also on Pinterest at pinterest.com/stutteringtx.